To brew a perfect cup, we choose only the best beans grown without chemicals or pesticides from all around the World, which includes Columbia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sumatra and Mexico. All of our beans are not only 100% Arabica, but also shade grown, farm-direct sustainable varieties.
The Arabica trees grow at altitudes as high as 6,500 feet and produce a ‘hard bean’ with concentrated flavors. The colder climate encourages a slower maturing bean which is harder, denser and of superior quality. After harvest, our expert roasters then artfully coax the unique flavor and characteristics from each variety and blend, bringing exquisite quality to each perfect cup.
Coffees beans ripen with varying climates and environmental conditions. Fresh coffee beans exhibit the freshest, most vibrant flavors. To get the best quality coffee, beans should be harvested when fully ripe, and processed and shipped quickly to be roasted and enjoyed shortly after harvest.
At Pacific Coffee, new beans are shipped from the roasters once every 2 weeks to ensure freshness. We have a full range of 14 coffee beans from different origins from all around the world, including House Blend, General Varietals and Specific Varietals, in order to extend the perfect cup to your home.